Thursday, September 17, 2009

'Informant!' Star Matt Damon Confesses: 'I Have The Opposite Of Anorexia'

For his latest role as an agribusiness exec-turned-corporate-whistle-blower in "The Informant!," Matt Damon gobbled burgers, pizza and McDonald's value meals to pack on 30 pounds. As the 38-year-old actor explained to MTV News, though, he suffers from a rare, entirely make-believe condition that has him always thinking, regardless of his waistline, he's looking mighty fine.

"I have the opposite of anorexia," he joked to MTV News while at the Toronto International Film Festival. "I look in the mirror and I think I look great."

Case in point: Damon hadn't realized he'd earlier put on a bit of weight — "Not for this movie, it was just in my life," he said with a shrug — and suddenly found none of his suits fit. The only explanation seemed to be that his frequent co-star/ infamous practical jokester had played a prank on him, not that he'd taken down three too many Big Macs.

"I was like, 'What's going on?' I took another suit out and it didn't fit either," Damon said. "Honestly, what I thought was that somehow [George] Clooney had gotten in and paid somebody to slightly hem [the suits]. My wife said to me, 'Could it be that maybe you've put on some weight?' I'm like, 'That's absurd! I look fantastic!' "

Only later did Damon come to realize the truth. "And it was, of course, that I was a fat a--, because I got back in shape later and went and put the same suits on and they fit. It made more sense to me that George Clooney paid somebody to hem my suits than I actually didn't fit in my suits."

With "Informant!," directed by Steven Soderbergh, coming out on Friday, the actor has gotten back into shape. While he's once again fitting into his formal wear, the Hollywood A-lister admits to continuing to suffer from this imaginary affliction. But it could be a lot worse, he reasons.

"It's better than having anorexia," he said. "The opposite of anorexia is good."

Check out everything we've got on "The Informant!"

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